Home Page
Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Home” page under the “Not Linked” section.
Click the “Edit” button in the upper left corner of the website design area. This opens up the visual editor.
To change the headline text double click the headline to change the copy. Hand move and adjust accordingly to visually center it.
To change the background image hover over background image and then click on the “Edit Section” button that shows up in the upper right corner of the section. Then choose “Background” and select “Replace” which sits under the image thumbnail. Then choose “Upload File” from the dropdown and upload your new image.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
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Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Home” page under the “Not Linked” section.
Click the “Edit” button in the upper left corner of the website design area. This opens up the visual editor.
To change the text double click the copy to edit it. Hand move and adjust accordingly to visually align it.
To change the Image double-click on it and select “Replace” which sits under the image thumbnail. Then choose “Upload File” from the dropdown and upload your new image.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
[[ video ]] video
Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Home” page under the “Not Linked” section.
Click the “Edit” button in the upper left corner of the website design area. This opens up the visual editor.
To change the text double click the copy to edit it. Hand move and adjust accordingly to visually align it.
To change the Image double-click on it and select “Replace” which sits under the image thumbnail. Then choose “Upload File” from the dropdown and upload your new image.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
[[ video ]] video
Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Home” page under the “Not Linked” section.
Click the “Edit” button in the upper left corner of the website design area. This opens up the visual editor.
To change the text double click the copy to edit it. Hand move and adjust accordingly to visually align it.
To change the Image double-click on it and select “Replace” which sits under the image thumbnail. Then choose “Upload File” from the dropdown and upload your new image.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
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Attention: The news blocks in this section are dynamically generated from your news articles from the news page. They are chronologically ordered.
To edit or add news articles see the news page section
To hide this section you’ll have to delete/remove it and then bring it back from your saved sections.
I have created 3 options for you.
- News section: 3 articles
- News Section: 2 articles
- News Section: 1 articleYou can find these sections when you click “Add Section” and go to “Saved Sections” from the left nav of the pop-up.
This video shows how to remove and bring it back.
Don’t forget to “Save” if you make any changes
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Why Us Page
Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Why Us” page under the “Main Navigation” section.
Click the “Edit” button in the upper left corner of the website design area. This opens up the visual editor.
To change the headline text double click the headline to change the copy. Hand move and adjust accordingly to visually center it.
To change the background image hover over background image and then click on the “Edit Section” button that shows up in the upper right corner of the section. Then choose “Background” and select “Replace” which sits under the image thumbnail. Then choose “Upload File” from the dropdown and upload your new image.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
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Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Why Us” page under the “Main Navigation” section.
Click the “Edit” button in the upper left corner of the website design area. This opens up the visual editor.
To change the page text double click anywhere in the text to change the copy.
[[ video ]] video
Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Attorneys” page under the “Main Navigation” section.
The nav will switch to the list of attorneys. Click on the “Attorney” you want to edit and their “bio” page will appear.
Click “Edit” in the upper left corner of the web page.
To change the page text double click anywhere in the text to change the copy. When editing the headline styles are always “Heading 2” and the body copy is always “Paragraph 2” just incase any style look different.
To change the bio pic there are 2 steps:
Bio pic on page: double click on the image to pop up he editor and hit “Replace”. Then “Upload” a new image.
Bio thumb on “Attorneys” page: In the left nav list of attorneys there will be 3 dots that show up when you hover over each attorney. Click the “3 dots” and then click “Settings”. A pop up will appear an click “Remove Image”. Once deleted you can add/upload a new image.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
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Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Attorneys” page under the “Main Navigation” section.
The nav will switch to the list of attorneys. Hover over any of the attorneys in that list and you will see “3 dots” appear. Click the “3 dots” and then click “Duplicate”. A new “…copy” will appear with the word “draft” on it.
On the new “draft” attorney click the “3 dots” again and click “Settings”
“Remove” and “Add” new attorney image.
While still in the pop-up, scroll down to the “Post URL” field and type in the attorney’s first and last name. You will need to add a dash for the spaces between the words.
Hit “Save” and the pop-up will close.
Update the attorney’s name (the page title) on the page and it will update it on the left nav.
Update the bio pic on the page by double-clicking and “replacing”.
Edit the copy by double-clicking on it.
When ready hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
When all edits are complete you will see a “Publish” button in the upper left of the page. Click “Publish” to make the profile live. Or click “Schedule” to make it publish at a specific time. Until it’s published it will remain in drafts and unseen to the public.
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Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Recognitions” page under the “Main Navigation” section.
Click “Edit” to edit the page.
Hover over the “Recognitions” section until you see a dropdown in the upper right corner of that section.
Click “Edit Content”
Then select “Content” from the nav in the dropdown.
You will then see all the recognitions that are live. Scroll down and click “Add”. This will add a new content block.
Click on the new “Content Block”
Add your new image
Add your text description
Click “Back” in the dropdown to go back to your other recognition content blocks.
On the left of your new content block thumbnail, you will see 6 dots. Click and drag on the 6 dots to arrange what order you want the new recognition to be.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
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When creating a new image, to keep consistent with your other images, I recommend you use image editing software to create an 800px x 800px square with white background.
Place your recognition image in the center(vertically and horizontally).
And then export that as your image asset to use.
Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “News” page under the “Main Navigation” section.
The nav will switch to the list of news articles. Click on the “News article” you want to edit and the “article” page will appear.
Click “Edit” in the upper left corner of the web page.
To change the page text double click anywhere in the text to change the copy. When editing, the headline styles are always “Heading 2” and the body copy is always “Paragraph 2” just in case any style looks different.
To change the image/thumb pics there are 2 steps:
Image on page: double click on the image to pop up the editor and hit “Replace”. Then “Upload” a new image.
News article thumb on “News/Home” page: In the left nav list of news articles there will be 3 dots that show up when you hover over each article. Click the “3 dots” and then click “Settings”. A pop-up will appear and click “Remove Image”. Once deleted you can add/upload a new image.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
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Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “News” page under the “Main Navigation” section.
The nav will switch to the list of news articles. Hover over any of the articles in that list and you will see “3 dots” appear. Click the “3 dots” and then click “Duplicate”. A new “…copy” will appear with the word “draft” on it.
On the new “draft” article click the “3 dots” again and click “Settings”
“Remove” and then “Add” the new news article thumbnail image.
While still in the pop-up, scroll down to the “Post URL” field and type in the news article headline. You will need to add a dash for the spaces between the words.
Hit “Save” and the pop-up will close.
Update the news article page title on the page and it will update it on the left nav.
Update the image on the page by double-clicking and “replacing”.
Edit the copy by double-clicking on it.
When ready hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
When all edits are complete you will see a “Publish” button in the upper left corner of the page. Click “Publish” to make the article live. Or click “Schedule” to make it publish at a specific time. Until it’s published it will remain in drafts and unseen to the public.
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Go to your “Pages” in the editor.
Find your “Contact” page under the “Main Navigation” section.
Click “Edit” in the upper left corner of the web page.
Hover over and then click on the “Text Fields” block.
A list of icons will pop-up. Click on the “Pencil” icon. And another pop-up will appear.
Click on “Storage” from the pop-up nav.
Click on “Email” to change the email location.
When done hit “Save” in the upper left corner of the page.
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